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Showing posts from June, 2019

If it Fits the Narrative, Tweet it

We are currently on day 10 of pretending that America's southern border is comparable to the Holocaust. A narrative that seems to have emerged from nothing more than the left and the media's compulsion to defend Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's every statement, no matter how asinine. This story would be irrelevant by now if AOC had just abandoned her original statement, identifying it as a misstep. Instead, she insists upon digging herself deeper into this hole every day, encouraged by the unwavering support of the mainstream media and assorted blue checkmarks on Twitter.  In response to the backlash to her statement that the U.S. has been running concentration camps on its border, AOC and supporters utilized two defenses: She actually wasn't referring to the Holocaust when invoking concentration camps, and also   she was correct to compare the Holocaust to the U.S. border. If these two arguments seem contradictory and mutually exclusive, it's because they are.  ...

You Purchase it, You Pay for it

A radical concept: if you take out a loan, you have to pay it off.  Well, it’s a radical concept to the far-left presidential candidates anyway. Bernie Sanders came out swinging this morning on Twitter, arguing that all 1.6 trillion dollars of student debt in the U.S. should be forgiven. One of my personal favorites: Are you truly free if you graduate hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? Are you free if you cannot pursue your dream because you don't make enough to cover your student loan payments? We will #CancelStudentDebt because there is no freedom without economic freedom. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 24, 2019   There's quite a bit to unpack in this gem of a tweet, so let's dig right into it. Yes, I am free. I'm free even if I graduate with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. The same way that I'm free when I go to the grocery store and buy a candy bar for a dollar. When I make purchases by my own free-will, by definition, I am...

Kyle Kashuv and Harvard: A Hill Worth Dying on

A piece of this week’s breaking news: 16-year-old boy said disgusting and idiotic things to friends who were also saying disgusting and idiotic things in order to prove that he was capable of saying the most disgusting and idiotic thing.  Earth shattering. Now I don’t mean to downplay the legitimate idiocy and disgustingness of the words that Kyle Kashuv used in his and his friends’ private Google Doc. The language is gross. I don’t need to go into detail explaining why he shouldn’t have said those words or why I don’t use that type of language because not only is it obvious, but it isn’t even a point of contention in this discussion. Because everyone is already in absolute agreement that the N-word is a terrible, hideous word with an even worse history, including Kyle. And that’s actually the point.  Kyle has apologized for his private messages multiple times. He brought more attention to the messages by apologizing publicly before the story gained a significant am...